Thursday 29 September 2011


A vital factor in effective leadership develooment is mentorship. Each of us needs a mentor figure, a role model in our life. No matter how brilliant we may be, no matter how successful we have become and no matter how much we have accomplished, there comes a time when we lose steam, become unsure and plagued with doubt, become weak and ladden with uncertainty, become diffident and filled with unanswered questions, a time when we falter and confront the fear of failure. These are times when the reassuring and experienced words of a mentor figure is needed to rekindle our faltering flame. In their low moments, leaders turn to their mentors for advice (this by no means takes away the place of our eternal mentor, Jesus Christ). A mentor is someone you hold in high esteem. Someone trustworthy and credible. Someone who exemplifies the ideals and values that you embrace. Someone who has in deeds accomplished what he preaches and therefore has the moral authority to instil confidence in you. Now, that's a mentor we all need. But the question for us to answer is: how many of such mentors and role models exist today for our youths to embrace?

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